
Companies throughout the industrial goods sector are confronting the need for change by redefining themselves, their offerings, and the way they do business.

For industrial goods companies, business as usual isn’t an option. Regardless of their specific industrial sector—chemicals, construction, machinery, and the like—these companies must think beyond their traditional business and operating models to choose where and how to create value in the future.

In a period of immense change and uncertainty, BCG helps industrial goods sector clients prepare for the future.

We can also help you enhance all parts of your operations, from procurement to supply chain and operating models to customer experience, B2B sales and marketing, and engineering excellence, so you can become a performance leader. Our extensive experience in private equity and mergers and acquisitions, as well as our unrivalled due diligence capabilities, can assist you in navigating industry consolidation, analysing long-term market scenarios, and staying ahead of the competition in a fast-paced business.

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Industry Expertise

Agribusiness Industry

The development of the agro industry can help stabilize and make agriculture more lucrative and create employment opportunities both at the production and marketing stages. The broad-based development of the agro-products industry will improve both the social and physical infrastructure of India.

We help farmers make sound decisions that support them achieve their business objectives. We collect information, talk through issues and analyse business records to help individual farmers and industry groups to improve their enterprises.

Services we provide:

  • Farm business advice.
  • Agribusiness investment, performance review and due diligence research.
  • Financial analysis and management.
  • Loss assessment.
  • Leadership development, coaching and mentoring.
  • Biodiversity and conservation management.

Packaging Industry

We help you test and analyze your current packaging applications. It will help you to identify areas for optimization and improvement. Each Packaging Specialist has in-depth industry training and expert knowledge of all our packaging products and services.
Savings in packaging can be achieved in a variety of areas and can include:

  • Improved packaging efficiency.
  • Reduction in packaging supplies costs.
  • Increasing your companies use of complete packaging options.
  • Reducing packaging waste.
  • Reduced Downtime and increased productivity.
  • Our knowledgeable and experienced packaging consultant, working alongside the own factory trained professionals to develop complete.
  • packaging solutions for your business.

Real Estate

We provide Full Fledge Marketing and Development Support to Builders for selling inventory of their Projects. We also help our clients to Buy, Sell, Lease or Invest in different set of properties like: Residential, Commercial, Industrial etc. We have wide range of inventory of specific categories.

Metals & Mining Industry

Our expertise in mining places us at the forefront of the industry. We are readily available with an international service.

For start-up and operational mines, We provide a comprehensive suite of services covering on-site laboratories, water treatment, commissioning and in-plant operational support, process consulting, debottlenecking, equipment optimisation and expert systems.

How can we help you?